Zee Telugu is all set to ring in the New Year with a fresh line-up of entertainment shows for its audience. As 2024 bids farewell, Zee Telugu promises to entertain viewers with a special event—the Sarigamapa Partyki Velayera program. The show, which was recently held in Khammam, will be aired on December 31 at 10 PM. This event marks the conclusion of the Sarigamapa Party for the year, bringing together the best singers and actors from Zee Telugu’s serials for an exciting finale.
Hosted by popular anchors Ravi and Lasya, the show includes performances by well-known stars like Gagan and Bhumi from Meghasandesam, Amarendra from Nindunurella Savasam, and others. Expect fun games, heartfelt songs, comedy skits, and beauty contests, making this a grand and unforgettable farewell to 2024.
In addition to this special event, Zee Telugu is also offering a New Year’s treat with Chamanti, a serial that promises an intriguing plot. Chamanti, starring Meghana Lokesh, centers around the life of a girl named Chamanti, who lives in a village with her family. While her family works loyally for the Zamindar, Chamanti’s elder sister, Roja, works as an air hostess.
The serial explores how Chamanti’s life changes when she moves to Hyderabad, her blossoming love story with Prem, and her sister Roja’s connection with Harshavardhan, the MD of Vayuputra Airlines. With its compelling storyline, Chamanti is set to captivate Zee Telugu viewers, adding to the channel’s already impressive lineup of serials.
Zee Telugu’s New Year programming is a blend of musical contests, drama, and heartwarming tales, ensuring a fantastic start to 2025 for its viewers.