Vishwak Sen has been keeping busy with back-to-back projects, including the releases of Gaami, Gangs of Godavari, and Mechanic Rocky last year. His next film is set for release on February 14, and fans are eagerly awaiting its debut. However, there has been some disappointment with one of his upcoming projects, Bandook, which has now been canceled.
Bandook was a much-anticipated film that was officially announced last year, with debutant Sridhar Ganta as the director and Sudhakar Cherukuri producing the film. The project had gone through a year of pre-production, but the film ultimately faced delays, which led to its cancellation. According to sources, Vishwak Sen’s repeated delays in starting the shoot were a key factor in the decision to cancel the film.
While Bandook has been shelved, Sudhakar Cherukuri is still involved in several exciting projects. He currently has a slate that includes KJQ, The Paradise starring Nani and Srikanth Odela, Prashanth Varma’s untitled project with Nandamuri Mokshanga, and a film with Chiranjeevi and Srikanth Odela. These projects are set to generate buzz and anticipation in the coming months.
Vishwak Sen’s fans can still look forward to his upcoming film releases and the potential for new projects in the future.