Kollywood star Vishal, known for his action-packed roles, enjoys a massive fan base not only in Tamil Nadu but also in the Telugu states. Recently, fans were left concerned after seeing Vishal at the pre-release event of his film Madagajaraja. The actor appeared visibly unwell, trembling as he addressed the audience. The shocking sight raised questions about his health, and reports later confirmed that Vishal had been admitted to Apollo Hospital in Chennai due to a severe viral fever.
Health Update from Apollo Hospital
Doctors at Apollo Hospital released a health bulletin stating that Vishal is battling a viral fever and requires complete bed rest for recovery. His condition had worsened following his participation in the event, where his dedication to promoting the movie despite his illness was evident. Fans have been flooding social media with messages of support and prayers, wishing for his speedy recovery.
Madagajaraja: A 12-Year Journey to Release
Vishal’s upcoming film, Madagajaraja, directed by Sundar C., is finally hitting the screens on January 12, 2025, as a Sankranti release. The movie, which completed its shooting 12 years ago, features Anjali and Varalakshmi Sarathkumar as the leading ladies, with Santhanam and Sonu Sood in key roles. The pre-release event was part of the film’s promotions, and Vishal’s presence, despite his high fever, highlighted his unwavering commitment to cinema and his fans.
Fans Rally Behind Their Star
Videos and photos of Vishal from the event have gone viral, with fans expressing their admiration for his dedication and concern for his health. Messages of support, including hashtags like #GetWellSoonVishal, are trending on social media. Fans are hopeful that Vishal will recover quickly and continue to inspire with his passion for the film industry.
As Madagajaraja gears up for its long-awaited release, the film has already captured attention due to Vishal’s heartfelt efforts, making it one of the most anticipated Sankranti releases.