Indian cricket legend Virender Sehwag and his wife, Aarti Ahlawat, are reportedly separating after 20 years of marriage, having tied the knot in 2004. According to reports by Hindustan Times, the couple has unfollowed each other on Instagram, and sources close to them suggest that they have been living separately for several months, with divorce possibly on the horizon.

Sehwag, known for his aggressive batting style, has reportedly struggled to maintain a healthy relationship with his wife. During the recent Diwali celebrations, Sehwag shared photos with his sons and mother but noticeably omitted any mention or pictures of Ahlawat, further fueling rumors of a potential separation. This silence from Sehwag on social media led to increased speculation among fans and followers.

A few weeks ago, Sehwag also posted pictures from a trip to the Vishwa Nagayakshi Temple in Palakkad, but once again, there was no mention of his wife, which seemed to indicate strain in their relationship. Despite the growing speculation, there has been no official statement from Sehwag or Ahlawat regarding their personal matters.

Ahlawat, who hails from New Delhi, has generally kept a low profile throughout their marriage. She completed her education at Lady Irwin Secondary School and Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan and later pursued a diploma in Computer Science from Maitreyi College, Delhi University.