In a surprising turn of events, Vijayasai Reddy, a prominent member of the YSR Congress Party, resigned from the Rajya Sabha amidst rising political tensions. The resignation came after a controversial media interaction, during which Reddy addressed the circumstances surrounding the death of former minister YS Vivekananda Reddy, widely known as Viveka.
During his press conference, Vijayasai Reddy clarified that he had initially received a phone call informing him of Viveka’s death. To confirm the information, he immediately contacted Kadapa MP Avinash Reddy. Reddy claims that Avinash handed the phone to someone nearby, who stated that Viveka died of a heart attack. Based on this information, Vijayasai Reddy shared the details with the media.
This statement caused a stir among political circles, as there were suspicions regarding the actual cause of Viveka’s death. Some have questioned Reddy’s involvement and why he relied on second-hand information without verifying the facts. Political leaders have raised concerns over the lack of transparency, with some calling for investigations into the incident.
Reddy’s resignation has stirred up more debates on his role in the ongoing controversy. His departure from the Rajya Sabha, once a significant platform, marks a new chapter in the political drama unfolding in Andhra Pradesh. With mounting pressure on the YSR Congress, it remains to be seen how the situation will unfold.