As much as Allu Arjun got craze with the movie Pushpa-2, Allu Arjun got into a controversy with the incident that happened at the Sandhya Theater at the premiere of that movie. Regardless of the facts, Allu Arjun spent a night in jail in this case. As Allu Arjun was surrounded by a series of controversies, famous astrologer Venuswamy made important comments on his horoscope.

Also Read: AlluAravind: Two crore financial assistance to Sriteja’s family

Venu Swami said ‘Everything happens according to horoscopes. Allu Arjun’s Horoscope says so so this event happened. Allu Arjun’s horoscope is not good till March next year. Be careful. Who does what he wants. Mistakes happen in everyone’s life. When their father laid his hand on Sri Teja, tears came from his eyes. It is believed that Mr. Teja will recover. Definitely want to recover. I will do the Mrityunjaya Homa to Shri Teja at my own expense. I am giving two lakh financial support to the baby. I have acted in many films in Tollywood. So I used the movie. That’s why I am helping Sriteja’s family financially. I do homam on weekdays. What is wrong with that child’ he said.