Veer Pahariya is all set to make his acting debut in Sky Force, alongside Bollywood stars Akshay Kumar and Sara Ali Khan. In the film, Pahariya portrays Squadron Leader Ajjamada Boppayya Devayya, whose character shares a romantic storyline with his rumored ex, Sara Ali Khan. In an exclusive interview with Zoom, Veer opened up about working with Sara, describing their dynamic as easy-going, especially when Sara is in her “good friend” mode.

Veer Pahariya Talks About Sara Ali Khan’s Passion

Veer described working with Sara as a smooth experience, saying, “It was very easy and free-flowing. We took direction from the choreographer and the director, and we just went for it. It was not rocket science.” He went on to praise Sara’s energy and enthusiasm, calling her “very passionate” and highlighting her dedication to her craft.

Buzz Surrounding Sara and Veer

Since the release of the trailer, the buzz around Sara and Veer’s chemistry has intensified. Their connection is now even more apparent with the launch of the third track from Sky Force, the lively party anthem “Rang.” The song features Akshay, Veer, Nimrat Kaur, and Sara Ali Khan and has quickly gained popularity, setting the stage for the film’s soundtrack to become a chartbuster. Akshay Kumar also shared his excitement on Instagram, urging fans to join the party and enjoy the dance anthem of Sky Force.

Past Relationship and Current Collaboration

Sara and Veer were romantically involved in the past, though they kept their relationship low-key. In a 2019 interview, Sara Ali Khan revealed that Veer was the only person she had ever dated, sharing, “He’s the only one I’ve dated. I haven’t had any other boyfriends.”

About Sky Force

Directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Kapur, Sky Force is a thrilling film based on India’s retaliatory attack on Pakistan’s Sargodha airbase during the 1965 Indo-Pakistani air war. Produced by Dinesh Vijan, Jyoti Deshpande, and Amar Kaushik, the film promises to be an action-packed spectacle, with a gripping storyline and a captivating soundtrack.