Vijay Deverakonda has several exciting projects lined up, one of which is an untitled film (#VD12), directed by Gowtam Tinnanuri. The movie is in its final stages of shooting, and fans eagerly await its release. Meanwhile, another significant project is on the horizon, with Rahul Sankrityan set to direct his next film, tentatively titled VD14.

The pre-production for VD14 has officially begun with the construction of a large set, which was inaugurated with a puja ceremony. The film, focusing on “The Legend of a Cursed Land,” explores colonial history in the Rayalaseema region, a first for Vijay Deverakonda in a historical drama. This project marks the actor’s second collaboration with director Rahul Sankrityan, following their successful film “Taxiwala.”

Rahul Sankrityan, who has delivered two major hits — “Taxiwala” and “Shyam Singha Roy” — is now all set to bring another historical tale to life. VD14 promises to be an intense and gripping film, diving deep into the rich history and folklore of Rayalaseema, with Vijay playing a prominent role. Fans are excited to see how this collaboration between the actor and director will unfold, especially given their past success.

As both VD12 and VD14 take shape, Vijay Deverakonda’s career continues to rise with unique and diverse film roles, and audiences are eagerly anticipating these exciting new releases.