VD12: It is known that Tollywood rowdy hero Vijay Devarakonda is doing a huge project with talented director Gautham Tinnanuri. Fans have high expectations from this movie which set a good buzz from the first day. Especially, the title of the movie and the release of the teaser have been eagerly awaited since time immemorial.
Although the makers have already hinted about the teaser release, it hasn’t arrived yet. But according to the latest information, the release date of the teaser is finally locked. Accordingly, the teaser of this anticipated film will be launched on February 7. However, an official clarification on this is yet to come.
It seems that Anirudh has provided a solid background score for the teaser. Let’s see how this teaser is going to be, which the fans are eagerly waiting for. There are reports that the film is going to be released on May 30. No official announcement yet.