Marco, the Malayalam film starring Unni Mukundan and Yukthi Thareja, has made an impressive mark at the box office, grossing over ₹115 crore worldwide. Directed by Haneef Adeni, this action-packed drama became the first A-rated Malayalam film to cross the ₹100 crore milestone. After its stellar success in theaters, fans are eagerly awaiting its OTT release, and the film is set to stream on SonyLIV, with the exact release date yet to be announced.
Produced by Shareef Muhammed under the Cubes Entertainment and UMF banners, with Unni Mukundan as a co-producer, Marco was released in Malayalam and Hindi on December 20. It had its Telugu release on January 1 and is scheduled for a Kannada release on January 31, 2025. SonyLIV has acquired the post-theatrical streaming rights of the film for a substantial sum, although a delay in the OTT release is expected due to the Kannada release schedule. Viewers can anticipate watching Marco on SonyLIV by late February or mid-March 2025.
The film features an ensemble cast, with prominent roles played by Jagadish, Siddique, Abhimanyu, Ishan Shoukath, and Kabir Singh Duhan, alongside the lead pair Unni Mukundan and Yukthi Thareja. Marco blends thrilling action sequences with a gripping storyline, captivating the audience from start to finish. The film’s success is a testament to its engaging plot, strong performances, and high production values, making it a standout entry in Malayalam cinema.
With its release in multiple languages and international box office success, Marco has garnered widespread attention. Fans across India are now looking forward to experiencing the film from the comfort of their homes on SonyLIV. As the OTT premiere approaches, expectations are high, and this action-drama promises to be a must-watch for all movie enthusiasts. If you missed it in theaters, don’t worry—Marco is coming soon to your screens, ready to thrill you once again.