Unni Mukundan’s latest film Marco has taken the Malayalam film industry by storm, grossing over ₹120 crore at the box office. This action-packed drama, certified ‘A’ for its intense violence, has not only made waves in Kerala but also across multiple languages, including Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil. The film’s massive success marks a milestone for Unni Mukundan’s career, establishing him as a pan-Indian actor. Marco is particularly notable for its global reach, with a release scheduled in South Korea this April, expanding its horizons even further.
The film’s success has been especially surprising in markets outside Kerala, particularly in Hindi. Unni Mukundan admits that although he was confident about Marco performing well in Kerala, he did not expect such overwhelming support from audiences in Hindi-speaking regions. Despite limited promotional efforts for the Hindi version, the film exceeded expectations, grossing over ₹13 crore. This success, according to Unni, stems from the movie’s quality, strong performances, and production values, rather than the actor’s face value. He expresses his gratitude for the unexpected reception from Hindi audiences and credits Marco as one of his finest works.
Unni Mukundan’s return to the action genre after a six-year hiatus has been a topic of discussion. In the past, he consciously avoided action roles to diversify his career and showcase his versatility as an actor. His decision to step back into action with Marco after proving himself in performance-driven films like Meppadiyan and Malikappuram is a testament to his commitment to doing more than just physical roles. With the success of Marco, Unni Mukundan now plans to continue with more action films, including the much-awaited Marco 2.
Looking ahead, Unni Mukundan has set his sights on bigger projects, with rumors of his Bollywood debut in the near future. However, he stresses that his focus remains on delivering quality cinema, especially after the success of Marco, which has set high standards for future projects. He is committed to making a significant mark in the Hindi film industry, appreciating the success that Marco brought from unexpected places. Whether in Malayalam or Hindi, Unni Mukundan’s Marco proves that good content can transcend regional boundaries, and his next ventures are bound to keep audiences excited.