The Malayalam film industry, known for its unique storytelling, is expected to shine in 2024, and Unni Mukundan is at the forefront of this success with his latest action thriller, Marco. While Mollywood has traditionally been popular in the South, this film is making waves across the country, especially in the North Belt. Released in Hindi on December 20, 2024, Marco has earned praise despite facing criticism for its intense violence and bloodshed. The film has captivated Hindi audiences, further solidifying Unni Mukundan‘s rise as a Pan-Indian hero.
Unni Mukundan’s Comeback and Growing Popularity
Unni Mukundan has long been a known name in the South Indian film industry. However, his career faced a setback following a sexual harassment case. Despite this, Mukundan’s resilience has been remarkable. He bounced back with hits like Meppadian and Malikapuram, with the latter joining the 100 Crore Club. Now, Marco is following suit, heading towards the 100 crore mark, a feat that includes its successful release in Telugu and Tamil.
The movie’s success isn’t limited to just the South; with Marco gaining attention in the North, Unni Mukundan is garnering a growing fanbase that could mirror the popularity of Yash, the star of KGF. The rise of his career as a Pan-Indian star seems imminent, and his identity in the industry is shifting from regional to national recognition, especially with the success of Marco.
‘Marco’: A Game-Changer for Malayalam Cinema
Marco is proving to be a turning point for both Unni Mukundan and Malayalam cinema, breaking geographical barriers and showcasing Mollywood’s potential in Hindi-speaking regions. The film’s raw action, gripping storyline, and Mukundan’s powerful performance are contributing to the growing North Indian craze for South films, similar to the successes of KGF and RRR. With more releases in multiple languages, Marco has the potential to continue its success and pave the way for other Malayalam films to venture into Pan-Indian markets.
In 2024, it’s clear that Malayalam cinema is not just about regional charm but is set to dominate the entire Indian film landscape, with Marco and Unni Mukundan leading the charge.