Allu Arvind and Dil Raja visited Sri Teja Nee Kims Hospital who were injured in Sandhya Theater stampede. The doctors inquired about Sriteja’s health condition. Later, producer Allu Aravind said, “We asked the doctors about Sriteja’s health condition and they said that he is recovering now. The boy is recovering after the disaster. I hope he recovers quickly and walks with us all. We wanted to give financial help to the family. As part of that, Allu Arjun is giving Rs.50 lakhs to Sriteja’s family, the producers of Maitri are giving Rs.50 lakhs and director Sukumar is giving Rs.50 lakhs. We are giving it to Dil Raju as the representative of the government.

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Dil Raju, Chairman of T FDC said, “Sreeja has been able to breathe for 72 hours without ventilator and oxygen. On behalf of Allu Arjun, Producers and Director Rs. 2 crores have been handed over. Also, tomorrow we are going to meet CM Revanth Reddy with the film industry leaders. Heroes, directors and producers are going to meet the CM tomorrow at 10 am. I will act as a bridge between the film industry and the government and work for the betterment of the industry. We will reveal the full details after the meeting with the Chief Minister tomorrow,’ he said.