Gopi Krishna Kotaru, a Dallas-based Telugu software engineer, started a production company called Shree Creative Music and Entertainment. As a first attempt, he started shooting for the video of his daughter Sreeja Kotaru Padi’s ‘Swapnala Nava’. The song is dedicated to late lyricist Sirivennela Sitarama Shastri and is presented by film producer Meenakshi Anipindi under the banner of OMG Productions.

Parthadsaradhi Nemani has composed the vocals for this song. Yashwant has given the lyrics. Famous director V.N. Filmed by Aditya. Buzzi.K was the cinematographer for this music video. Swapnala Nava Pata, shot entirely in the city of Dallas, USA, will be released soon after completing the post-production work. Many celebrities participated in the video launch program on this occasion and congratulated producer Gopikrishna Kotaru and Kumari Sreeja Kotaru.

Gopikrishna said that although Sirivennela Sitarama Shastri is not physically with us, his ideology touches the hearts of everyone. Gopikrishna said that the idea of ​​writing the song “Swapnala Nava” came from the thought of what kind of message he would have given to the youth through his lyrics if he had been there.

Pardhasarathi Nemani said.. He expressed his concern that the youth are suffering from depression for every little thing. He said that this song was made for children by taking the lyrics given by a great person like Shastri as inspiration. Pardhu praised Sreeja who sang this song as having the qualities of a professional singer. Parthasarathy said that it is a great thing that VN Aditya, who has directed many big films, directed this song.

Director VN Aditya said. VN Aditya wished Gopikrishna a new journey. Sreeja’s talent and voice seemed like a professional singer but she did not look like a young lady who had just made her debut. Aditya revealed that the song “Swapnala Nava” will be shot as soon as possible and brought to you.