Dil Raju, the renowned producer, has clarified the ongoing concerns surrounding the film industry and black money. In the wake of the recent income tax raids on his properties and family residences, Dil Raju shared his perspective with the media. Responding to questions, he firmly stated that there is no black money in the film industry, explaining that nearly 80% of ticket sales are processed online, making it impossible for such money to circulate.
When asked about the issue of fake collections being posted by some producers, Dil Raju admitted that this could be a problem for the industry. He stated that if the issue is indeed true, producers would soon hold a meeting to address it and take collective action. However, he emphasized that he could not comment on the matter alone, highlighting the need for industry-wide consensus.
Dil Raju also took the opportunity to joke about the high interest rates paid by producers and denied any involvement with political figures in his films. He further clarified that he has not purchased any immovable property or invested in any other business in the last five years, reaffirming his transparency in all financial matters.
In conclusion, Dil Raju expressed confidence in the future of the industry, maintaining that all transactions are conducted within legal boundaries.