The highly anticipated pan-India romantic drama Thandel, starring Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi, had its grand launch at Lala Plays Hotel in Chennai on Thursday. The event was attended by popular Kollywood star Karthi, who graced the occasion as the chief guest.
During the event, Karthi expressed his admiration for Naga Chaitanya, appreciating his dedication and continuous effort in honing his craft. He stated, “Chay keeps working hard, constantly improving, and that’s a great quality to have.” He also had words of praise for Sai Pallavi, calling her a special actress who brings life into every film she acts in. Additionally, he congratulated director Chandoo Mondeti, music composer Devi Sri Prasad, and producer Allu Aravind for their efforts in making Thandel a grand project.
The film is set for a massive pan-India release in multiple languages, promising to be one of the biggest romantic dramas of the year. As part of its promotional campaign, Thandel‘s Hindi version trailer will be launched today in Mumbai by Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, further increasing the buzz around the film.