Naga Chaitanya’s highly anticipated pan-Indian film, Thandel, has locked its runtime. Director Chandoo Mondeti confirmed in a recent interview that the film will be a concise 2 hours and 25 minutes. A grand audio launch event is planned in Chennai and will be graced by the presence of actor Karthi.
Mondeti spoke about the editing process, praising Navin Nooli for his work. “The final output is 2 hours and 25 minutes long. We wanted the runtime to be compact,” he stated. “I have to thank our editor, Navin Nooli. Thandel contains a lot of emotions. My initial cut was 2 hours and 45 minutes, and I felt some aspects would be missed if those 20 minutes were trimmed.” He added, “Even after removing those 20 minutes, the film still looked good and conveyed everything I wanted to. Navin Nooli did an exemplary job. I am very much satisfied with the editing.”
The film stars Sai Pallavi as the female lead, and the music has been composed by Devi Sri Prasad. Thandel is generating significant buzz and is expected to be a major release. Sources and related content