Telugu movies: The month of February is like a festival for the Telugu cinema audience. Many blockbusters from Ajith Kumar and Trisha starrer ‘Vida Muerchi’ to Naga Chaitanya’s ‘Tandel’ are going to come before the audience this month. These films have high expectations to impress the audience. Along with them some other films are ready to do well at the box office. Let’s see that now.
Naga Chaitanya’s ‘Tandel’
Naga Chaitanya, who impressed the audience with the movie ‘Custody’, is getting ready to entertain once again with his next movie ‘Tandel’. The promotions of this movie are in full swing, and the fans are also eager to watch the movie. Now let’s see how this movie entertains the audience in the context of saying that this movie will once again reflect Chaitanya’s acting skills.
Vishvak Sen’s ‘Laila’
Vishvak Sen, who entertains the audience with experimental roles, is seen in a new avatar with the movie ‘Laila’. His acting in the lady getup of this movie has become a special attraction. After the release of the trailer and songs, the expectations about the film increased. Vishwak Sen is coming to the audience with another different character.
Kiran Abbavaram ‘Dil Ruba’
Kiran Abbavaram, who impressed the audience with last year’s ‘Ka’, is hoping for another success with his next film ‘Dil Ruba’. This movie also has good expectations, and fans are anticipating the movie.
Sandeep Kishan ‘Majaka’
Sandeep Kishan is once again going to try his luck in the Telugu film industry with the movie ‘Majaka’. The film is getting a lot of hype on social media, and along with the expectations of the audience, it is expected to do well at the box office.
Apart from these films, ‘Brahmanandam’ starring Brahmanandam and his son Raja Gautham, Pradeep Ranganathan and Anupama Parameswaran’s ‘Dragon’ are also slated to release in February. With many blockbusters releasing in the month of February, Telugu cinema fans are in for a treat. The competition at the box office is going to be fierce, but it remains to be seen which films will succeed.