Tamil star director with Telugu hero?

Films like ‘Khaidi’ and ‘Vikram’ under the direction of young director Lokesh Kanagaraj have achieved great success. There are huge expectations on the film ‘Coolie’ which is currently being directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. All in all, Lokesh Kanagaraj as an action director has full craze in South. However, there were reports in the Kollywood media that Lokesh Kanagaraj is planning a film for NTR. But none of that came true. However, the latest news is that the hero is planning a film with Nani.

Actually Lokesh Kanagaraj Cinematic Universe (LCU) has full craze. Lokesh’s cinematic universe started with ‘Khaidi’, ‘Vikram’ and ‘Leo’. Lokesh Kanagaraj has already said that after the completion of Paige Kooli, I am going to do a peak LCU movie with all the heroes of LCU. And let’s see if he will give me a role in this movie, or if he will make a movie with me specifically. Anyway, this news cannot be believed until an official announcement is made.

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