Veteran actor Suresh recently addressed long-standing rumors regarding his relationship with actress Nadia. In an interview, he clarified that there was never any romantic involvement between them, despite their frequent on-screen collaborations. Suresh described Nadia as his “best friend” and “like a younger sister” to him. He acknowledged that the rumors about their relationship surfaced because of their close professional association in many films.
Suresh also shed light on a possible reason behind the speculation. During their film shoots, Nadia would often be on the phone with her boyfriend, Shirish, which led to further assumptions about their relationship. However, both Suresh and Nadia emphasized that they remain good friends to this day. They even maintain a WhatsApp group together, which also includes superstar Rajinikanth.
Their bond, which spans both personal and professional dimensions, highlights the importance of friendship in the film industry. Suresh and Nadia continue to enjoy recognition for their work and are still active in the industry, with their enduring friendship remaining strong over the years.