Superstar Rajinikanth recently provided an exciting update on his upcoming high-voltage action entertainer, Coolie, while speaking to the media at Chennai airport before his flight to Bangkok. Addressing fans and journalists, Rajinikanth shared that 70% of the movie’s shooting has been completed. The next schedule is set to take place in Bangkok from January 13 to 28. This marks a crucial phase for the film, which is being directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and is expected to be a major release in 2025.
After the disappointing reception of his previous films, Lal Salaam and Vettayan, Rajinikanth’s fans have high hopes for Coolie, which features an ensemble cast including Akkineni Nagarjuna, Shruti Haasan, Shaubin Shaheer, Upendra, Sathyaraj, and Bollywood star Aamir Khan in a special guest role. The film, produced by Sun Pictures with a huge budget, has already generated considerable buzz, especially with the involvement of director Lokesh Kanagaraj and composer Anirudh Ravichander.
As rumors swirl about a potential release date on May 1, 2025, the excitement around Coolie continues to build. Fans are also eagerly awaiting the announcement of other projects Rajinikanth is involved in, including Jailer 2. With two major films coming up, expectations are at an all-time high for the superstar’s next moves.