SS Thaman: With Nandamuri Balakrishna starrer ‘Daku Maharaj’ celebrating its success, the expectations for ‘Akhanda 2’ have increased. Especially, music director Thaman’s comments are going viral on social media. In his comments, Thaman said that ‘Akhanda 2’ is going to be a mass fair and Balayya fans will be treated to dinner once again.
Especially, Thaman’s comment that “this movie will earn the audience till the interval” further increased the expectations of the movie. Director Boyapati Srinu is also paying a lot of attention to this movie. Struggling to complete the film quickly. The film, which is teamed up by mass entertainer experts like Thaman and Boyapati, is expected to be another hit for the Telugu cine-goers.
Balayya’s fans on social media are excited with this news. The release of ‘Akhanda 2’ is eagerly awaited. With the update given by Thaman, the curiosity about the film has increased. What is particularly noteworthy is that the movie ‘Akhanda’ was a sensational success at the box office. That is why the expectations on ‘Akhanda 2’ are so high. It can be said that Balayya, Boyapati and Thaman combination is ready to entertain the mass audience once again. Overall, the expectations for the movie ‘Akhanda 2’ are sky high. Thaman’s comments added to the hype of the film. The film will soon go on the sets.