The Telugu comedy-thriller Srikakulam Sherlock Holmes, starring Vennela Kishore and Ananya Nagalla, is set to make its digital debut on January 24, 2025, on ETV Win. Initially released in theaters on December 25, 2024, during the Christmas season, the film failed to make a major impact at the box office but has garnered interest ahead of its OTT release, especially from fans of Vennela Kishore’s comedic style.
Set in the early 1990s, Srikakulam Sherlock Holmes follows the story of a private detective, Om Prakash (played by Vennela Kishore), who is also known as Sherlock Holmes. Om is assigned the task of solving the mysterious murder of Pulidandu Mary (Dokala Navya), whose body is found on Vizag beach. The case is set against the backdrop of the Rajiv Gandhi assassination, adding an additional layer of intrigue. Om has just seven days to unravel the mystery and identify the killer from a list of suspects, including characters played by Ravi Teja Mahadasyam, Ananya Nagalla, and Prabhakar.
The film showcases Vennela Kishore’s impeccable comic timing and his entertaining portrayal of the detective, infused with the Srikakulam dialect. Ananya Nagalla also impresses with her versatile performance. The supporting cast, including Ravi Teja Mahadasyam, Prabhakar, and others, adds further depth to the story. With local flavor in its dialogues and a song celebrating Srikakulam, the movie promises an enjoyable watch for fans of comedy and thrillers alike.