Sonu Sood is no stranger to well-known villains in Telugu and Hindi movies. But it must be said that Sonu Sood, who is a villain in movies, seems like a hero in real life. But the latest ‘Sankalp Diwas’ program was held at Public Gardens, Lalita Kalathorana in Hyderabad on Thursday evening under the auspices of Suchirindia Foundation. Humanitarian and entrepreneur Lion Dr. Y. Kiran celebrates his birthday and organizes ‘Sankalp Diwas’ every year on November 28.
Not only in serving the society, but also in recognizing and honoring eminent people who are serving the society, Dr. Y. Kiran takes the lead. For two decades, great humanitarians have been recognized and honored every year. Among them are many celebrities like Anna Hazare, Kiran Bedi, Sundarlal Bahuguna, Sandeep Pandey, Joaquin Arputham, Mary Kom. This year’s ‘Sankalp Diwas’ honored actor and real hero Sonusood with ‘Sankalp Kiran Award’. Ambassador of India-Bulgaria Embassy H.E. Nikolai Yankov was the chief guest.
In this program, Lion Dr. Y. Kiran said.. “The chief guest was H.E. If Nikolai Yankov came from Delhi to Hyderabad especially for this program, then it can be understood how much importance he gave to this program. Also, I am happy to honor my friend and family member Sonusood, a great man who played villain in movies and became a hero in real life with the Sankalp Kiran award today. Today my dear students from 50 special schools attended this program. They are the stars of the show. Many people from Suraram and Narmitta villages, which are very close to my heart, also attended the ceremony.
We have been organizing Sankalp Diwas every year for more than two decades. Today is very special for us. Apart from sharing joys and sorrows, we discuss future activities. I started this Sankalp Diwas with the intention of making my birthday celebration meaningful, useful to the society and bringing light into the lives of some. Two villages and 50 schools are now a part of this Sankalp Diwas. I started my life with just 2000 rupees. I have become what I am today with the blessings of God and the hard work and perseverance taught by my parents.
That’s why I started Sankalp Diwas with the intention of doing my bit for the society. Now it is part of my life. Even if I don’t feel like it, I feel refreshed by spending time with these pure hearted children. All governments should think with humanity and take steps towards supporting such children by allocating special funds in the budget. Many such special children are waiting for help.
Governments should think about them. Also, it would be good if the society spends adequate time with them, knows their needs and helps them as much as possible. Also the number of people staying in villages is decreasing day by day. We are taking steps to encourage professions along with organic agriculture in the villages as well. There are many more programs to be done. But we are doing it as much as possible depending on the time and financial resources. Also, many youths are losing their lives due to drugs. We all have the responsibility to make India a drug free country. 50 I would like to thank everyone who is taking care of the children in the school by name. It is a great pleasure to honor my friend Sonusood, who has always been at the forefront of community service, with the Sankalp Kiran award. I would like to thank the media as well as everyone who attended the event.” Said.
And Sonusood said.. “I feel honored to receive this prestigious award. Brother Kiran is a great person. I often hear about his great service activities. It is an honor to share the stage with such a person. Before I met Kiran, I had heard a lot about his greatness. These special kids are real heroes. It was a great pleasure to participate in this program with them. Thanks to Kiran who gave me this luck. Everyone should take inspiration from Kiran and come forward to serve the society. I am always ready to contribute my part to the Sankalp Diwas initiated by him. I have a special connection with Hyderabad. Even though I am a Punjabi, the people of Andhra and Telangana show me a lot of love. That’s why I consider Telugu people as family members. I realized that what we have done for the society gives us more satisfaction than how much we earn during the lockdown. Since then I have been helping Kiran. Along with this generation, Kiran Garu inspires future generations to take steps towards community service. I thank Kiran from the bottom of my heart.” Said.
Also Chief Guest H.E. Nikolai Yankov said.. “I am very happy to attend such a great event. People like Kiran are rare. His life is inspiring. It is commendable that Kiran thought of the society and celebrated his birthday with a great event called Sankalp Diwas. They are standing by the side of many children and bringing light into their lives. I want Kiran to be an inspiration to others.” Said.
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