Shekhar Kammula and Dhanush: Veteran director Shekhar Kammula has taken Dhanush for his latest film ‘Kubera’. Shekhar Kammula shared the experience of talking to Dhanush for the first time in an interview. Shekhar Kammula was concerned during the first phone call with Dhanush. But when Dhanush said he liked his films, Shekhar Kammula was very happy.
This is because this praise from Southern actor Dhanush is a special poisonY. Dhanush will be seen in the role of a beggar in the movie ‘Kubera’. Shekhar about this character Come onWhen Mumula told Dhanush, Dhanush agreed to consider the role of the role, even though it was somewhat concerned. The film is currently symbolic of the wonderful combination of Shekhar Kammula and Dhanush.
Expectations on ‘Kubera’
The audience has made huge expectations on the film. The film, which is being directed by Shekhar Kammula, will soon be coming to the audience. With a combination of Dhanush and Shekhar Kammu, the film is ready to entertain the audience. The film is being taken very ambitious, which has become a hot topic among the lovers.
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