The much-awaited movie Game Changer, starring Ram Charan, is currently surrounded by controversy in Tamil Nadu just days before its release. Director Shankar has filed a complaint with the Lyca Productions Producers Council, alleging that the production team is prioritizing the completion of Game Changer over his ongoing project Indian 3. This dispute has created a stir in the Tamil film industry, reminding many of a similar issue that arose during the shooting of Indian 2. At that time, Shankar had assured everyone that he would complete both films simultaneously, resolving the controversy.

As the release of Game Changer draws closer, the director has addressed the new conflict, explaining that there are still some portions left to complete in Indian 3. Shankar assured fans that he would do his best to finish it on time. However, due to the ongoing dispute, online bookings for Game Changer have yet to begin, causing concern among the film’s producers and marketing teams. This has put the movie’s release into a state of uncertainty, raising questions about its timing and reception.

Despite the controversy, the film is still expected to receive a positive response, thanks to the popularity of both Ram Charan and Shankar. Game Changer has been allotted approximately 400 screens, and the marketing teams are working hard to ensure that the controversy does not negatively impact its release. Fans are hopeful that the star power of Ram Charan and Shankar’s reputation will help the movie overcome this challenge and deliver a successful opening.

Industry experts in Kollywood believe that the issue will be resolved soon. They suggest that a written agreement with Shankar could clear up the situation entirely, leading to the confirmation of Game Changer’s release date. Once this dispute is resolved, the movie’s chances of success will increase, and fans can expect the film to hit theaters without further delay. The resolution of this issue will likely bring stability to the movie’s release and ensure a smooth path forward for its grand debut.