Recently, rumors about Sania Mirza’s second marriage have been making waves on social media. The tennis star, who was previously married to Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik, ended their relationship after several years of marriage. Following their separation, Shoaib Malik married Pakistani actress Sana Javed, and pictures of their new life went viral. Amidst all this, Sania has found herself at the center of fresh speculations about her personal life.
Reports suggest that Sania Mirza is considering a second marriage, and the person she is allegedly planning to marry is a popular Telugu film star. Although the name of the actor has not been disclosed, sources claim that the two have shared a long-standing connection, which may have led to the marriage rumors. While the news has created a stir on social media, Sania has yet to address these claims publicly.
In recent interviews, Pakistani actor Naveen Zafar made supportive comments about Sania, suggesting that life doesn’t end after a divorce. He encouraged her to marry again if she finds someone special. This has fueled the rumors even further, with many expressing their support for Sania’s decision to move on and find happiness.
However, it’s important to note that similar rumors about her relationships have surfaced in the past, including a supposed romance with cricketer Mohammed Shami, which were later debunked. As of now, it remains unclear whether Sania Mirza is truly ready to remarry, and time will tell if these rumors are confirmed or fade away.