Balakrishna’s much-anticipated film Akhanda 2, the sequel to his hit movie Akhanda, continues to garner attention. Directed by Boyapati Sreenu, the film is already creating massive expectations. After the success of Daku Maharaj, Balakrishna is on a roll, and Akhanda 2 is expected to further elevate his stardom. The shooting for the film is progressing rapidly, with recent schedules wrapped up in Prayag Raj during the Maha Kumbhmela.

In a new update from the makers, it has been revealed that young actress US Menon will be joining the cast as another heroine in Akhanda 2. This announcement was made through a post on Twitter, where the makers officially welcomed her to the project. The team also shared that the shooting is moving ahead at full pace, with the film slated for release on September 25. The film will see a new schedule starting soon, and the producers, Ram Achanta and Gopichand Achanta, are ensuring everything stays on track for its grand release.

While Pragya Jaiswal was already confirmed to be part of the film, the addition of US Menon is a significant development. This marks her big opportunity to star opposite a senior hero like Balakrishna, after previously working with actors like Nikhil, Dhanush, Sai Dharam Tej, and Kalyan Ram. Fans are eager to see how the chemistry between the two heroines will shape up in this high-stakes action-packed sequel.