There have been some intriguing rumors circulating on social media about Bollywood superstar Salman Khan and Prabhas’s mother, particularly regarding an incident during the making of Radhe Shyam. According to some reports, it was claimed that Salman Khan tortured Prabhas’s real mother. However, the truth behind this story is far from what the rumors suggest.
First off, it’s important to clarify that Prabhas’s real mother is not Bhagyashree, who played his mother in Radhe Shyam. Bhagyashree, a Bollywood beauty known for her iconic role in Maine Pyaar Kiya, is not related to Prabhas in real life. In fact, Bhagyashree has a long list of successful Bollywood films to her credit, and she continues to be a well-known name in the industry. The confusion seems to stem from her portrayal as Prabhas’s mother in Radhe Shyam, but in reality, she is just a co-actor in the film.
Now, addressing the matter of Salman Khan’s alleged behavior towards Bhagyashree during the shooting of Maine Pyaar Kiya, the story behind it is different from what some may have heard. In the 90s, Bhagyashree and Salman Khan were the central couple in this iconic Bollywood romance. While rumors have circulated about their relationship, Bhagyashree herself revealed in a recent interview that Salman Khan had once confronted her on the sets of Maine Pyaar Kiya, asking her why she was behaving as if they were more than just co-stars. Bhagyashree was surprised by his remark, as she hadn’t realized her behavior was being perceived in that way.
She also revealed an interesting detail about her personal life—how Salman Khan and director Suraj Barjatya helped her convince her parents about her relationship with her now-husband, Himalaya. Bhagyashree admitted that her parents were initially opposed to their marriage, but it was Salman and Suraj Barjatya who supported her, eventually leading to her marriage. Bhagyashree acknowledged that both Salman Khan and the director played a pivotal role in her love story turning into marriage.
While the rumors about Salman Khan “torturing” Bhagyashree are untrue, it is clear that their professional relationship during Maine Pyaar Kiya was filled with moments that would later be fondly remembered by both.