Saif Ali Khan, the Bollywood actor, was discharged from Lilavati Hospital after a five-day stay, following a brutal attack at his Bandra residence on January 16. The incident shocked the entire industry when an intruder confronted the actor’s maid and later attacked Saif when he intervened. The altercation escalated, resulting in several stab wounds for Saif. He was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where doctors found he was leaking spinal fluid and immediately performed a five-hour surgery to treat the injuries, removing a piece of the knife from his body.

After his discharge, Saif was seen stepping out of his Bandra home on January 26, accompanied by his wife, Kareena Kapoor. In a video captured by paparazzi, Saif, dressed in a blue shirt and jeans, was seen surrounded by heavy security, while Kareena, in a casual grey sweatshirt and cap, entered the car ahead of him. The couple left their home in a car, followed by a second vehicle.

Earlier, Kareena Kapoor had requested privacy for her family, stating that the incident had been challenging and that they were still processing the events. She urged the media and paparazzi to refrain from speculation during this difficult time. Saif’s recovery is ongoing, and the family is focusing on getting through this traumatic episode together.