Saif Ali Khan Attack Case: The Saif Ali Khan assault case has taken a new twist. The news has gone viral on social media that police suspect Kareena Kapoor in this case. The news is now creating a big debate, but there is no official confirmation. Some people misunderstand the news and say they are spreading it.
Any news can easily go viral through social media, especially negative slanders about celebrities that some people enjoy. In this context, it remains to be seen whether the allegations against Kareena Kapoor are true or not. Police yet This No official announcement has been made on the incident, so there is no clarity on this news.
Some say that Kareena Kapoor could not have done this because she is actually Saif’s wife. More information in this regard will have to wait for the official announcements. The right direction is to believe only approved information from social media. Any official investigation into this incident is still ongoing. The news about Kareena Kapoor is not true. (Saif Ali Khan Attack Case)