Mumbai’s star batter, Rohit Sharma, made a positive impact in the second innings of his Ranji match against Jammu and Kashmir, scoring 28 runs. This was a much-needed boost after his modest 3-run performance in the first innings. Rohit’s pull shot stood out as the highlight of his innings, drawing excitement from his fans, who were thrilled to see him back in his element after a long time.
Rohit’s performance in the recent New Zealand and Australian series had been underwhelming, with scores of 0, 8, 18, 11, 3, 6, 3, and 9. His innings in the Ranji match, however, was a refreshing display of confidence and composure. This 28-run knock is now his second-best score in first-class cricket, following a 52-run innings against New Zealand in the Bangalore Test last year. Fans are hopeful that this performance marks the start of better form for the “Hitman.”