Rithu Chowdhary: Ritu Chaudhary’s name has been going viral on social media for the past few days, especially as her name has created a sensation in the Ibrahimpatnam land registration scam in Vijayawada. Ritu Choudhary, who is popular with popular TV shows like Jabardasth, has taken everyone by surprise when she got caught in a huge scam of Rs 700 crores. Also, her claim of not being married has now come into question, especially how she got married to Chimakurti Srikanth has raised doubts.

Ritu Chaudhary responded to this controversy in an interview given to a TV channel. She says that her marriage is true, but Srikanth was with her only for four months, after which she broke up because she didn’t like his behavior. It is said that he has also applied for divorce in the court. She explained that she had nothing to do with this scam, that she did not even know where the land was in her name, and that she had signed as Srikanth said. She expressed her grief that she did not expect it to be a big scam and trusted Srikanth.

Since her words seem to be honest recently, many believe her to be innocent. Many say that if she was really a part of this huge scam, she would not have needed to work for money in small shows and events on television. Looking at her words, it is clear that she has nothing to do with this incident. However, it remains to be seen how the police will investigate the matter.

Ritu Chaudhary’s real name is Vanam Divya. She changed her name before entering the film industry. She first started her career as an anchor and later became a lady villain in serials. She got good recognition in ETV shows like Jabardasth and Sridevi Drama Company. The star has also participated in many events on our channel. She also made noise in the game shows Sunday With Star Maa Parivaram, Kirak Boys, Kiladi Ladies. She was supposed to be a contestant in Bigg Boss season 8, but eventually got out. There are reports that there are chances of her participating in the upcoming season.

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