In an unexpected move, Telugu superstar Ram Charan has taken a significant pay cut for his upcoming high-budget film, Game Changer. The film, directed by the acclaimed S. Shankar, is a much-anticipated project set to release on January 10, 2025. Despite the reduction in his remuneration to ₹65 crore, Ram Charan’s earnings remain among the highest in the industry, surpassing his contemporaries like Jr NTR and Bollywood actors such as Kartik Aaryan and Yash.
Game Changer: A High-Stakes Collaboration
Game Changer marks Ram Charan’s first collaboration with S. Shankar, known for his visual spectacles like Indian and 2.0. The film pairs Ram Charan with Kiara Advani in a lavish production that includes a massive ₹75 crore budget dedicated solely to music. With just four songs, this grand allocation underscores the film’s scale and ambition. While Shankar’s ₹35 crore fee and Kiara Advani’s reported earnings of ₹5-7 crore have drawn attention, it’s Ram Charan’s reduced salary that has sparked discussions.
Ram Charan’s Earnings in Perspective
Despite his pay cut, Ram Charan’s ₹65 crore fee eclipses Jr NTR’s reported ₹60 crore earnings for Devara. Compared to Bollywood stars, Ram Charan remains a top earner. Kartik Aaryan, for instance, charges ₹40 crore per film, while Ranveer Singh’s fees range from ₹40-60 crore per project. Meanwhile, Yash, the KGF star, is reportedly commanding ₹50 crore to portray Raavan in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana. Ram Charan’s post-RRR global fame continues to secure him a dominant position in the film industry.
Excitement Builds for Game Changer
The recently unveiled Game Changer trailer has heightened expectations, especially with renowned filmmaker SS Rajamouli gracing the event. The film, scheduled for a Sankranti 2025 release, promises to be a cinematic spectacle with action-packed drama and grand visuals. As fans gear up for the film’s release, the curiosity surrounding its budget allocation and cast remunerations only adds to the buzz.