The highly anticipated sports drama #RC16, starring Ram Charan and Jhanvi Kapoor, has officially begun filming. The production kicked off today with scenes that feature a dramatic night effect. Ram Charan, known for his dedication, will soon join the crew to continue shooting.
The film, directed by Buchi Babu Sana, has already completed its first schedule in Mysore. #RC16 will feature a strong ensemble cast, including renowned actors like Shiva Rajkumar, Jagapathi Babu, and Divyendu Sharma in key roles.
Ram Charan, known for his fit physique, has maintained a thick beard for his role, portraying an Uttarandhra man. To add authenticity to his character, he will also speak in the region’s distinct Telugu dialect. The film’s music will be composed by the legendary A.R. Rahman, adding further excitement for fans.