Ram Charan, who became a father nearly a decade after his marriage to Upasana, recently opened up about the privacy he wants to protect for his daughter, Klinkara. Since the birth of their child, the couple has kept Klinkara’s face hidden from the public eye, and Charan explained the reason behind this decision.

In a recent interview, Charan shared that maintaining privacy for his daughter is of utmost importance. He mentioned, “Everyone keeps asking when we will show Klinkara, but privacy is very important to her. No matter how much people want, they won’t find her.” Charan believes that giving Klinkara this privacy is the greatest gift he can offer her, as it will allow her to grow up without the pressures of fame and public attention. He expressed a desire for her to experience a childhood free from the burden of constant scrutiny.

Charan further stated that while he is committed to protecting her privacy, there will be one special moment when he will introduce Klinkara to the world. He revealed that he will share her with the public once she calls him “father.” That will be the moment when he will proudly show her to the world.

On a lighter note, Charan also joked about his sister, claiming that while he is not afraid of his wife Upasana, he pretends to be scared of his sister’s presence.