Tollywood star Ram Pothineni is currently immersed in the shooting of his upcoming project, RAPO 22. While his recent release, Double Ismart, directed by Puri Jagannadh, didn’t fare well at the box office upon its theatrical release on August 15, 2024, its Hindi-dubbed version is now achieving remarkable success online.

The Hindi version of Double Ismart has amassed over 100 million views and 1 million likes on the RKD Studios YouTube channel, showcasing its growing popularity among Hindi-speaking audiences. This impressive milestone has reignited interest in the film, which features Kavya Thapar as the female lead and Sanjay Dutt as the antagonist.

The movie also includes an ensemble cast comprising Bani J, Ali, Getup Sreenu, Sayaji Shinde, Makrand Deshpande, and Temper Vamsi. Despite its underwhelming performance in theaters, the engaging storyline, action-packed sequences, and star-studded cast have found a new audience in the digital space.

Produced under the Puri Connects banner by Charmme Kaur and Puri Jagannadh, the film’s renewed success on YouTube serves as a testament to the enduring appeal of South Indian cinema among pan-Indian viewers. As fans continue to celebrate the Hindi version’s milestone, Ram Pothineni is all set to captivate audiences with his next venture.