The time that mega fans have been waiting for has arrived. In another two weeks, the most awaited pan India movie game changer is going to hit the theatres. On January 10, the real Sankranti season will start for mega fans. But before that, don’t get ready for the New Year celebrations, say the makers of the game changer.
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So far the release of game changer, Raa Matcha, Nana Hirana, dope songs have become chart busters. Taman gave the tunes. Also.. When the teaser was released grandly in Lucknow, it got a super response. And now the actual trailer that will decide the opening of the movie is coming. To take the hype on the game changer to the next level, a powerful trailer has to come. Trailer cut work is already going on. However, the trailer launch event was planned for December 27, but it was postponed due to some reason. Unit talk that the event may be held at Hyderabad on December 30. It is said that Megastar Chiranjeevi is likely to be a guest for this event. A grand pre-release event is being planned in AP in the first week of January. There is a talk that the real game changer, AP Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan will be the chief guest for this event. Fans have to watch the eagerly awaited game changer trailer.