A viral news story is making waves on social media, claiming that the makers of “Pushpa 2” have understated its box office collections by as much as Rs. 550 crores to evade income tax. According to the reports, IT officials discovered the original collections during their checks, revealing the discrepancy. Official posters of the movie show that it has already grossed around Rs. 1850 crores. If the alleged Rs. 550 crore understatement is accurate, it would push the total collections to approximately Rs. 2400 crores, a figure never before achieved by an Indian film.
To put this into perspective, “Dangal” crossed the Rs. 2000 crore mark, aided by its collections in China, while “Baahubali 2” did not exceed Rs. 1900 crores globally. If “Pushpa 2” has indeed surpassed the Rs. 2400 crore mark, it would become the highest-grossing Indian film in history. According to ticketing platform Book My Show, 15 million tickets have been sold for the movie, contributing to an estimated Rs. 450 crores from online ticket sales alone. Additionally, the film has earned Rs. 275 crores overseas and set records in countries like New Zealand and Australia.
While fans of Allu Arjun’s “Pushpa 2” are sharing calculations to support the claims, some netizens are skeptical about the underreported collections. They argue that the producers may have deliberately understated the figures. The controversy has raised questions about the transparency of movie box office earnings, and the truth behind these claims is yet to be clarified by the filmmakers.