Pushpa 2, the massive box office hit starring Allu Arjun, has set new records in Indian cinema, becoming the latest industry hit in Bollywood. The film has outperformed the second highest-grossing Hindi film, Stree 2, by a staggering Rs. 200 crores at the box office. Worldwide, Pushpa 2 has grossed over Rs. 1800 crores, solidifying its place as one of the biggest films in Indian cinema history.
The film, which has sold the highest number of tickets on BookMyShow, is now available on Netflix in its Reloaded Version. This extended cut, lasting 3 hours and 44 minutes, is available in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, and Malayalam. After breaking box office records, Pushpa Raj is now poised to set new digital records.
Directed by Sukumar, Pushpa 2 features Rashmika Mandanna as the female lead and boasts an ensemble cast including Fahadh Faasil, Rao Ramesh, Jagapathi Babu, Pavani Karanam, and Ajay in pivotal roles. Produced by Mythri Movie Makers, with music composed by Devi Sri Prasad, the film continues to captivate audiences across multiple platforms.
Pushpa 2 Reloaded offers fans a deeper dive into the story of Pushpa Raj, who is now poised to break new records in the OTT space, just as he did in theaters.