A woman named Revathi died in a stampede at Sandhya Theater in RTC Cross Road during the release of Pushpa-2, while her son Mr. Teja is currently undergoing treatment in the hospital. Taking this incident seriously, the police registered a case against film hero Allu Arjun along with film producers, Mythri Movies heads Elamanchili Ravi Shankar and Naveen Yerneni.

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However, producers Elamanchili Ravi Shankar and Naveen have filed a petition in the High Court to dismiss the case registered against them in this case. The petitioner’s lawyer argued that the actual security of the theater is not their responsibility, it is their responsibility to inform the police beforehand, and because of the information, there were so many policemen there, and the incident took place after all the measures were taken. The court heard the arguments of both parties in this case and gave a huge relief to the producers of Pushpa 2. The High Court has issued an interim order not to arrest the producers of Pushpa-2. Also, the High Court issued directions to the police to file a counter and adjourned the further hearing for two weeks.