It looks like ‘Pushpa 2’, which has been hitting the theaters for almost two weeks, is in no mood to slow down. Starring pan India star Allu Arjun, the film has been doing well at the box office since day one. Compared to Telugu, this movie is jumping in a range in Hindi. ‘Pushpa 2’ (Hindi), which attracted huge audiences in theaters in the second weekend as well, managed a solid collection at the box office on Monday. In just 12 days, the film is now close to breaking another all-time record in Hindi cinema. After the first Monday, the collections of films usually drop but ‘Pushpa 2’ numbers are still strong.
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This drop in collections usually occurs on the first Monday itself. The Hindi version of ‘Pushpa 2’ has collected around Rs.582 crore nett till Tuesday. 601.50 Crore Net Collections of Pushpa-2. With this, Allu Arjun’s film has set an all-time record as the second highest grossing film in Hindi. So far this record is held by Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Jawaan’ which has a total lifetime collection of 584 crores. 627 crores, ‘Stree 2’ became the highest grossing film in Hindi cinema. Also on Tuesday of second week working day Rs. Pushpa All has also recorded a record of grossing 19.50 crores in its name.