Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2 has been a massive hit at the box office, completing nearly a month since its release on December 5. While the movie enjoyed a stellar run in its first few weeks, it is now experiencing a slight drop in business as it enters its fifth week. After earning Rs 129 crore in its third week, the film made Rs 69 crore in its fourth week. As the movie moves further into its run, the collections have started to dip.
On the 30th day, Pushpa 2 recorded its lowest collection to date, earning Rs 3.85 crore on its fifth Friday. This brings its total box office collection in India to a remarkable Rs ₹ 1193.6 crore, with the film expected to cross the ₹ 1200 crore mark over the weekend. The Hindi version of the film has been a huge success, collecting Rs 781.15 crore, outdoing the Telugu version, which has earned Rs 332.76 crore. The Hindi version’s performance is noteworthy, contributing significantly to the film’s overall success.
Despite the competition from Varun Dhawan’s Baby John and the release of Mufasa: The Lion King, Pushpa 2 continues to dominate at the box office. Mufasa is also performing well, especially with Shah Rukh Khan providing the voiceover for the Hindi version. However, it has not managed to detract from Pushpa 2, which remains the top contender in the market.
Here is a breakdown of Pushpa 2’s day-wise net collection in India:
- Day 0: ₹ 10.65 Cr
- Day 1: ₹ 164.25 Cr
- Day 2: ₹ 93.8 Cr
- Day 3: ₹ 119.25 Cr
- Day 4: ₹ 141.05 Cr
- Day 5: ₹ 64.45 Cr
- Day 6: ₹ 51.55 Cr
- Day 7: ₹ 43.35 Cr
- Week 1 Collection: ₹ 725.8 Cr
- Day 8: ₹ 37.45 Cr
- Day 9: ₹ 36.4 Cr
- Day 10: ₹ 63.3 Cr
- Day 11: ₹ 76.6 Cr
- Day 12: ₹ 26.95 Cr
- Day 13: ₹ 23.35 Cr
- Day 14: ₹ 20.55 Cr
- Day 15: ₹ 17.65 Cr
- Week 2 Collection: ₹ 264.8 Cr
- Day 16: ₹ 14.3 Cr
- Day 17: ₹ 24.75 Cr
- Day 18: ₹ 32.95 Cr
- Day 19: ₹ 12.25 Cr
- Day 20: ₹ 14.25 Cr
- Day 21: ₹ 19.75 Cr
- Day 22: ₹ 10.5 Cr
- Week 3 Collection: ₹ 129.5 Cr
- Day 23: ₹ 8.75 Cr
- Day 24: ₹ 12.5 Cr
- Day 25: ₹ 15.65 Cr
- Day 26: ₹ 6.8 Cr
- Day 27: ₹ 7.7 Cr
- Day 28: ₹ 13.25 Cr
- Day 29: ₹ 5.1 Cr
- Week 4 Collection: ₹ 69.75 Cr
- Day 30 [5th Friday]: ₹ 3.85 Cr
- Total: ₹ 1193.6 Cr
As the film continues to rake in impressive numbers, it stands as one of the most successful releases in recent times. The future looks bright for Pushpa 2, especially considering the widespread success it has garnered in multiple languages.