The prestigious Tollywood movie ‘Pushpa-2’ is all set for a grand release next week. While director Sukumar has directed this movie with great ambition, icon star Allu Arjun is preparing to create a sensational record at the box office with this movie. However, recently music director Devisree Prasad made some comments on the film’s producers at the film’s event.
Due to this, Devisree Prasad got conflicted with Mythri Movie Makers.. The talk of Devisree Prasad no longer working under this banner was heard loudly in the film circles. However, the makers of the film have recently given clarity on the same question. In the ‘Robinhood’ movie press meet, the producer of Mythri Movie Makers Ravi answered this question.. There is nothing wrong in the words spoken by Devishri. Where there is love there are complaints. He replied that we will do projects with Devishri Prasad in the future as well.
With this statement, talk is being heard in the cine circles that the dispute between Devishri and Maithri has come to a full stop. And all the film unit is getting ready to participate in Pushpa-2 promotions.
The post Maithri vs. Devishree.. Is it like a lucky card..? first appeared on Latest Telugu Movie News, Reviews, OTT, OTT Reviews, Ratings.