Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra has been making waves in the Indian film industry recently, especially with her visit to notable temples. After her visit to the Chilukuru Balaji Temple, where she participated in special poojas, Priyanka today went to the historic Mahadev Temple at Domakonda Gadikota in Kamareddy district. The actress, who traveled from Hyderabad by car, was greeted warmly by the temple administrators and members of the trust. She participated in the Abhishekam and special pujas to honor the Somasutra Shivlinga installed at the temple.

Priyanka Chopra, who has become a global icon after settling in Hollywood with her husband, American singer Nick Jonas, shared the experience with her fans via Instagram stories. In her video, the actress expressed her reverence for the spiritual visit, which has since gone viral among her followers.

The actress, who recently returned to Hyderabad from Toronto, is reportedly in the city to join the much-anticipated SSMB 29 project. This collaboration between superstar Mahesh Babu and director SS Rajamouli has been generating significant buzz, and there is speculation that Priyanka Chopra may be cast as the heroine in this exciting new venture. However, confirmation of her role in the film is still awaited, as discussions surrounding the project continue.