An intimate video of Pragya Nagra, who debuted as a heroine in actor Jeeva starrer Varalaru Mukkiyam, is going viral on social media at a tremendous speed. Recently, a deepfake video of actress Oviya went viral on the internet. In this order, Oviya herself posted a comment asking to send the video link and even said that she will post the video. After that Oviya also revealed that she had filed a complaint against her ex-boyfriend in Kerala to the questions of the netizens. In fact deepfake videos of actress Rashmika Mandana, Samantha and many other popular actresses are going viral on social media all the time, now Pragya Nagra’s video is trending with the hashtag #pragyanagra.
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Hailing from Haryana, Pragya Nagra made her film debut in 2022 by playing the heroine in the Jeeva-starrer Tamil film Varalaru Mukkiyam. After that movie, Pragya Nagra also acted in N4 which was released in Tamil last year. After that movie, she acted in Malayalam movie Nadilik Sundari Yamuna and this year she also acted in Telugu movie Laggam. Fans are waiting to hear what actress Pragya Nagra has to say about this sudden trend. Netizens say that if it is a fake video, cyber crime police should find the accused and take action, even if it is a private video, those who leaked it publicly should be found and punished.