Phone Charging: Nowadays everyone is using smart phone more and more. All the tasks are done easily on the phone. In this age life has also become smart and more and more people are using smart phones. All the work is also done on the phone, so it is very important to charge it due to the increasing busyness of the phone. If not charged, the smartphone remains just a box. Many people do not care about how to charge a smartphone. But in fact, if the smartphone is not charged like this, there are chances of damage to the phone, say tech experts. For this you should always follow a rule. What is that rule? Now let’s see how to follow.

Phone Charging tips

Phone battery is very important. If the battery starts to go bad then the phone also goes bad so some rules should be followed for charging the phone. So that the phone does not get damaged quickly. In fact many people think of charging the phone battery only when it reaches zero percent. But that is not the right way to do it 100% at the same time. If you are also doing this then it is wrong. Experts say that the phone battery should not be fully discharged or fully charged.

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Always remember the 80:20 ratio while charging the phone. This means that the battery should be charged when the percentage is at 20% and discharged when it reaches 80%, this is called 80:20 ratio. Experts say that the battery can be charged up to 90%. If you follow this rule, the battery life will increase. There are many people who start using the phone by charging it. This should not be done. While charging the phone you should only use the charger received from the company. If the charger is damaged you can only buy the charger from the company should be done (Phone Charging).

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