In a disturbing incident, a young man named Bathula Phani Teja was arrested for harassing a TV serial actress in Hyderabad. Phani Teja, who worked in the same production unit, allegedly troubled the actress, claiming to love her and promising marriage. The harassment took place on the sets of the popular TV serial Shravana Sandhya, where the accused reportedly subjected the actress to mental distress. Unable to endure the situation, the victim approached the Jubilee Hills Police Station and filed a formal complaint against him.
Following the complaint, the police registered a case and began their investigation. During this process, Phani Teja sent a selfie video to the actress, attempting to justify his actions by stating, “I did this because of my emotions.” However, his attempt to gain sympathy failed, and the victim stood firm, refusing to withdraw her case. Despite repeated pleas from the accused, she sought justice, highlighting the emotional toll the harassment had caused.
The situation escalated further when Phani Teja began spreading false and defamatory claims about the actress, aimed at tarnishing her reputation. These actions drew severe criticism, as they attempted to malign the victim instead of addressing the core issue. The Jubilee Hills police took swift action and arrested the accused, sending him to judicial remand.
This incident underscores the urgent need to address workplace harassment, especially in the entertainment industry. Mental harassment and character defamation are serious offenses that can have long-lasting impacts on victims. The police have assured strict measures to prevent such incidents and protect individuals from similar ordeals.