Powerstar Pawan Kalyan has recently found himself at the center of a controversy following sensational allegations made by YCP spokesperson K. Venkata Reddy. The allegations claim that Pawan Kalyan’s actions at the Game Changer pre-release event led to the tragic deaths of two youths.

The Incident: What Happened at the Game Changer Event?

The pre-release event of Game Changer was held in Rajahmundry, where fans from across the region gathered to witness the mega stars, including Pawan Kalyan and Ram Charan, share the stage. Among the attendees were two youths, Manikantha and Charan from Gygolu, who had been lifelong fans of the Mega Family. The duo attended the event in excitement but were shocked by the incidents that unfolded later.

After the event, while returning home on a bike, the two youths tragically lost their lives in a collision with a van. This incident, however, sparked a heated controversy when YCP spokesperson K. Venkata Reddy made strong accusations. He stated that Pawan Kalyan’s comments at the event indirectly caused the accident. Reddy claimed that the deaths were a result of Pawan Kalyan’s remarks encouraging stunts by removing bike silencers, which allegedly led to the reckless driving that caused the crash.

Allegations and Calls for Pawan Kalyan’s Arrest

K. Venkata Reddy demanded that Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan be arrested and jailed, holding him responsible for the tragic deaths. These claims have created a media frenzy, with the news going viral across various platforms. Reddy’s statement has sparked widespread debate, and people are eagerly waiting to see how Pawan Kalyan will respond to the allegations and the tragic incident.

Pawan Kalyan’s Reaction

As of now, there has been no official response from Pawan Kalyan regarding the allegations made by the YCP spokesperson. Fans and political analysts are waiting to see how the Deputy CM will address the controversy. With tensions rising, it remains to be seen if this issue will have any lasting impact on Pawan Kalyan’s public image and political standing.