AP Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan recently addressed the tragic stampede incident that occurred during the premiere of Pushpa 2 at Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad. Reflecting on the incident, Pawan Kalyan mentioned that Allu Arjun’s involvement had been brought into the spotlight, and while there are various ways to express regret, he suggested that a timely apology or intervention on the second day of the incident could have alleviated the situation. He also referenced how, in the past, even Megastar Chiranjeevi would attend movie releases incognito, wearing a mask to avoid crowds. He noted that in today’s world, cameras capture everything, emphasizing the visibility of public figures.
Pawan Kalyan also praised the Telangana government for its respectful and supportive approach toward the film industry, specifically acknowledging Telangana CM Revanth Reddy. He commended the CM for his efforts in facilitating the increase of ticket prices and allowing the film industry to thrive by supporting projects like Pushpa 2. Pawan expressed his belief that such initiatives benefit the entire industry, with CM Revanth playing a key role in these developments. Additionally, he emphasized that the police cannot be blamed for the stampede incident, as they are primarily concerned with maintaining security at such events.
Pawan Kalyan’s comments also highlighted his respect for the law, noting that the law applies equally to everyone and expressing confidence in the authorities’ efforts to manage security.